Restored Lives


Restored lives

This course is for those who are separated, those who are currently going through a divorce, or those who are already divorced, whether recent or at any time in the past. The course, while based on Christian principles, is relevant and helpful for anyone with or without a Christian faith or church background. It is both practical and supportive, giving any separated or divorced person the opportunity to discuss the challenges they are facing and the tools to deal with these effectively.



Heartbroken? Who cares? We do.

Restored Lives helps people recover fully from relationship breakdown. By supporting people through separation or divorce, when a relationship is beyond repair.

We’ve seen lives transformed by giving people the skills and tools to take simple steps that overcome the hurt and, where children are involved, create successful separated co-parenting relationships.

Restored Lives has shown that offering supporting people through separation or divorce, bringing people in similar circumstances together and providing the tools to navigate a breakup, gives rise to a period of healing, learning and growth, ultimately resulting in improved relational skills.


What can we expect?

Each evening begins with a talk, followed by opportunities for discussion in small group of 6 - 8 people. You can share as much or as little as you like about how your personal situation relates to the topic. Restored Lives is a non-judgemental safe space where you can speak to others who have or are facing similar situations.


What will we be talking about?

  • Facing the effects of what’s happened

  • Communication and conflict resolution

  • Letting go

  • Introducing other professionals

  • Managing other relationship

  • Getting professional help & living life well

  • Being single and moving forward

Restored Lives

Restored lives

Starting 19 May 2025, 8pm



Rachel, Greg & CC

We will be running the online course free of charge.



19 May - 30 June 2025
(7 consecutive Mondays)
Mondays, 8:00pm – 10:00pm

What Will We be Discussing?

19 May
Facing the effects of what happened

26 May
Communication and conflict resolution

02 June
Letting go

09 June        
Managing other relationship

16 June        
Introduction to professionals

23 June        
Getting professional help & living life well

30 June     
Being single and moving forward