If you’ve accepted Jesus into your life, this is your next step! Baptism is a symbol of Jesus’ burial and resurrection and your new life as a Christian. This is a public declaration of your faith and commitment to follow him.
We have baptism services three times a year for infants and adults. Our next baptism will be held on the 23rd February, 2025. If you would like to be baptised, kindly complete the form below and attach this PDF file as you submit your form.
我们每一年都会为儿童及大人举办三次的受洗仪式。我们下一个洗礼将会在 2025年2月23日 进行。若你想为自己或你的孩子报名接受洗礼,请点击以下按键。另外,请在提交表格时,填写并附上这份PDF文件。
*Attach the PDF file at the last section of the form.
Frequently Asked Questions 常见问题
Anyone who has made a personal decision to follow Jesus can be baptised. At HTBB, we also baptise infants and children as part of the Christian family.
In the Anglican view, baptism is a sacrament, which is an outward and visible sign of an inward of spiritual grace. Baptism isn’t dependent on the profession of faith to be a valid baptism, it is God’s grace that was ministered through immersion in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Baptism is a sign of God’s promise that they are embraced into the covenant community of the church. It is also a vow for those who in faith and repentance present the infants to be baptised that they will raise them in the knowledge and fear of the Lord, with the expectation that they will one day profess faith as their own.
Hence, sacrament may come first, followed by the profession (which is why confirmation is important and is the next step after baptism).
根据圣公会的教导,洗礼是一种圣礼 —— 它是一个外在的行动来表示一个人在内心已接受神赐予的恩典。洗礼并不是靠个人的信仰宣誓来证实它有效,而是靠神的恩典,透过水中浸礼以圣父、圣子、圣灵的名义而给予的。
洗礼是神对人的应许标志,象征着受洗的人会被接纳进入教会群体 —— 神的家庭。对于已经悔改、信主的成人,当你们决定让自己的婴孩受洗的时候,你们是在承诺会抚养孩子敬畏神,以盼望他们以后会自己选择接受主。
You do not have to do baptism again if you have previously been baptised. All baptisms are recognised, whether previously you were in a different denomination or were baptised as an infant [you may read the section on why we baptise infants for more info].
Your next step would be joining the confirmation service to reaffirm your baptismal vows and make the profession of faith to God and to others (in comparison to the sacrament of baptism which is what God says to us).
如果你曾经受洗,你并不需要重新进行洗礼。任何的洗礼都是被承认的,不管你是在另一个教会宗派受洗,或是你接受了婴儿洗礼 【更多详情,请查看以上《教会为什么要进行婴儿洗礼?》的部分】。
你的下一步是参与接受坚振礼来重申你受洗时的誓言,并对神及身边的人做出接受主的宣告 (这是相对于在洗礼的圣礼中,神对我们的接纳)。
The Greek word for baptism means "to be immersed or dipped under the water". HTBB usually baptises by immersion and pouring where appropriate. This symbolises what happens to us when we become a Christ-follower: going down under the water signifies the death of our old life and coming up out of the water signifies the new life we receive in Christ.
洗礼在希腊语中的意思是“浸入或浸入水中”。 看情况而定,HTBB通常会通过全身浸入或用水浇灌来施洗。这象征着当我们成为基督的跟随者时会发生的事:浸入到水里象征着我们旧生命的死,而从水里上来象征着我们在基督里得着新生命。
Spend time reading the Scriptures: Romans 6:1–14, Ephesians 1, Ephesians 3:8–13, Matthew 28:18–20, Isaiah 55, Psalm 91.
花一点时间阅读经: 罗马书 6:1-14,以弗所书 1,以弗所书 3:8-13,马太福音 28:18-20,以赛亚书 55,诗篇 91。Spend time praying. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the significance of this day to you and expect an encounter with Jesus as you get baptised!
花一点时间祷告。祈求圣灵向您揭示受洗这一天的意义,并期待在您在受洗时可以与耶稣相遇!Invite friends and family to celebrate with you!